
May 1, 2011

B cell-specific expression of b7-2 is required for follicular th cell function in response to vaccinia virus

Salek-Ardakani S, Choi YS, Rafii-El-Idrissi Benhnia M, Flynn R, Arens R, Shoenberger S, Crotty S, Croft M, Salek-Ardakani S
Apr 1, 2011

Follicular helper CD4 T cells (TFH)

Crotty S
Mar 1, 2011

IL-21 and IL-6 are critical for differental aspects of B cell immunity and redundantly induce optimal follicular helper CD4 T cell (Tfh) differentiation

Eto D, Lao C, Ditoro D, Barnett B, Escobar TC, Kageyama R, Yusuf I, Crotty S
Feb 28, 2011

Protective murine and human monoclonal antibodies against eczema vaccinatum

Tomimori Y, Kawakami Y, McCausland MM, Ando T, Koriazova L, Kato S, Kawakami T, Crotty S
Poholek AC, Hansen K, Hernandez SG, Eto D, Chandele A, Weinstein JS, Dong X, Odegard JM, Kaech SM, Dent AL, Crotty S, Craft J
Yusuf I, Kageyama R, Monticelli L, Johnston RJ, Ditoro D, Hansen K, Barnett B, Crotty S
Kotturi MD, Botten J, Maybeno M, Sidney J, Glenn J, Bui HH, Oseroff C, Crotty S, Peters B, Grey H, Altmann DM, Buchmeier MJ, Sette A
Crotty S, Johnston RJ, Schoenberger SP
Moutaftsi M, Tscharke DC, Vaughan K, Koelle DM, Stern L, Calvo-Calle M, Ennis F, Terajima M, Sutter G, Crotty S, Drexler I, Franchini G, Yewdell JW, Head SR, Blum J, Peters B, Sette A
McCausland MM, Benhnia MR, Crickard L, Laudenslager J, Granger SW, Tahara T, Kubo R, Loriazova L, Kato S, Crotty S
Jul 9, 2009

Activin A programs the differentiation of human TFH cells

Locci M, Wu JE, Arumemi F, Mikulski Z, Sahlberg C, Miller AT, Crotty S