LIFE WITHOUT DISEASE is a pursuit that requires a continually expanding understanding of the immune system, and the ability to translate knowledge and discoveries developed in scientific research into technologies that can enable cutting edge research and improve life and health. Among its responsibilities, the Legal Affairs and Intellectual Property Department (LAIP) oversees the protection of novel technologies and all technology-related agreements, including commercial sponsored research and licensing contracts, as well as material transfer and confidentiality agreements.
La Jolla Institute boasts a number of partnerships, across many research areas, established to develop, transfer and translate LJI’s technologies for commercial applications and the department, in coordination with the business development staff, frequently engages with biotechnology, pharmaceutical and life sciences companies. Among La Jolla Institute’s commercial collaborations is the Institute’s signature partnership with Kyowa Kirin, which is the longest academic-industry collaboration in the world. Throughout its 30+ year history, this partnership has provided a mutually beneficial scientific exchange of knowledge, expertise, and resources to support biomedical research, and through this exchange, a number of La Jolla Institute’s technologies have entered into Kyowa Kirin’s R&D pipeline and human clinical studies.
The Legal Affairs and Intellectual Property Department is dedicated to supporting the Institute’s scientists in their research endeavors and in the development and translation of their technologies. Further details of the departments functions can be found below. For further information or inquiries, please contact us at
Technology, Contracts, and Intellectual Property:
The Legal Affairs and Intellectual Property team works closely with La Jolla Institute scientists to enable access to research tools and technologies essential for biomedical experimentation.
All Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs) and Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) are processed and administered by the Legal Affairs and Intellectual Property team.
MTAs provide the terms for sharing of materials and resources between LJI scientists and outside researchers, typically for research or evaluation purposes. If no materials are being exchanged, but data is being shared, a Data Use Agreement is put in place. For discussions between LJI and an outside organization, a CDA may be needed to protect the confidentiality of any unpublished data or proprietary information. LAIP can assist in putting any of these agreements in place.
New Technologies and Intellectual Property
Our team manages the intake and evaluation of invention disclosures, and oversees LJI’s patent portfolio. In collaboration with LJI’s inventors, we develop strategies to protect intellectual property rights and develop the appropriate incentives for commercial development before research results are disseminated for public benefit. LAIP manages LJI’s 100+ issued patents, as well as our diverse IP portfolio of active
CSRAs and Licensing Agreements

Technology Development Team

Margaret (Ng Thow) Hing, J.D.

Stephen C. Pappas, J.D.

Erin Randolph

Kenia Ascencio Martinez
Karsun Proudfoot
Contact Us
To explore potential partnership or licensing opportunities, please contact the Technology Development team at For all other inquiries, you can contact us using the adjacent Contact Form.