Jul 1, 2015 Bioinformatics
Automated benchmarking of peptide-MHC class I binding predictions
Trolle T, Metushi IG, Greenbaum JA, Kim Y, Sidney J, Lund O, Sette A, Peters B, Nielsen M
Jun 1, 2015 Journal of Immunology
A population response analysis approach to assign class II HLA-epitope restrictions
Paul S, Dillon MB, Lindestam Arlehamn CS, Huang H, Davis MM, McKinney DM, Scriba TJ, Sidney J, Peters B, Sette A
May 1, 2015 Nature Communications
IL-10-producing intestinal macrophages prevent excessive antibacterial innate immunity by limiting IL-23 synthesis
Krause P, Morris V, Greenbaum JA, Park Y, Bjoerheden U, Mikulski Z, Muffley T, Shui JW, Kim G, Cheroutre H, Liu YC, Peters B, Kronenberg M, Murai M
May 1, 2015 Journal of Virology
Dengue viral evolution under a hose-targeted antiviral
Plummer E, Buck MD, Sanchez M, Greenbaum JA, Turner J, Frewal R, Klose B, Sampath A, Warfield KL, Peters B, Ramstedt U, Shresta S
May 1, 2015 PLoS One
Analysis of human RSV immunity at the molecular level: learning from the past and present
Vaughan K, Ponomarenko J, Peters B, Sette A
Apr 1, 2015 Bioinformatics
PEASE: predicting B-cell epitopes utilizing antibody sequence
Sela-Culang I, Ashkenazi S, Peters B, Ofran Y
Mar 1, 2015 Current Opinion in Virology
Antibody specific epitope prediction-emergence of a new paradigm
Sela-Culang I, Ofran Y, Peters B
Feb 1, 2015 PLoS One
Abacavir-reactive memory T cells are present in drug naïve individuals
Lucas A, Lucas M, Strhyn A, Keane NM, McKinnon E, Pavlos R, Moran EM, Meyer-Pannwitt V, Gaudieri S, D'Orsogna L, Kalams S, Ostrov DA, Buus S, Peters B, Mallal S, Phillips E