Apr 1, 2012 Journal of Immunology
The FcRβ- and γ-ITAMs play crucial but distinct roles in the full activation of mast cells induced by IgEκ and protein L
Nunomura S, Kawakami Y, Kawakami T, Ra C
Mar 1, 2012 Blood
Human FcyRIIA at center stage
Kawakami T
Jan 1, 2012 Journal of Clinical Investigation
Histamine-releasing factor has a proinflammatory role in mouse models of asthma and allergy
Kashiwakura JC, Ando T, Matsumoto K, Kimura M, Kitaura J, Matho MH, Zajonc DM, Ozeki T, Ra C, MacDonald SM, Siraganian RP, Broide DH, Kawakami Y, Kawakami T
Jan 1, 2012 Advances in Biological Regulation
Regulation of proliferation, survival, differentiation, and activation by the Signaling Platform for SHP-1 phosphatase
Kawakami T, Xiao W, Yasudo H, Kawakami Y
Sep 20, 2011 PLoS One
Short stat5-interacting peptide derived from phospholipase C-β3 inhits hematopoietic cell proliferation and myeloid differentiation
Yasudo H, Ando T, Xiao W, Kawakami Y, Kawakami T
Sep 1, 2011 Journal of Clinical Investigation
IgE stimulates human and mouse arterial cell apoptosis and cytokine expression and promotes atherogenesis in Apoe-/- mice
Wang J, Cheng X, Xiang MX, Alanne-Kinnunen M, Wang JA, Chen H, He A, Sun X, Lin Y, Tang TT, Tu X, Sjoberg S, Sukhova GK, Liao YH, Conrad DH, Yu L, Kawakami T, Kovanen PT, Libby P, Shi GP
Jun 1, 2011 Immunity
Phospholipase C-β3 regulates FcεRI-mediated mast cell activation by recruiting the proteinphosphatase SHP-1
Xiao W, Kashiwakura J, Hong H, Yasudo H, Ando T, Maeda-Yamamoto M, Wu D, Kawakami Y, Kawakami T
Feb 28, 2011 Antiviral Therapy
Protective murine and human monoclonal antibodies against eczema vaccinatum
Tomimori Y, Kawakami Y, McCausland MM, Ando T, Koriazova L, Kato S, Kawakami T, Crotty S
Jan 1, 2011 Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Monomeric IgE and mast cell development, survival and function
Kashiwakura J, Otani IM, Kawakami T
Jan 1, 2011 Journal of Immunology
SHIP represses Th2 skewing by inhibiting IL-4 production from basophils
Kuroda E, Antinano F, Ho VW, Hughes MR, Ruschmann J, Lam V, Kawakami T, Kerr WG, McNagny KM, Sly LM, Krystal G