Oct 16, 2016 Expert Opin Drug Discov
Novel strategies for discovering inhibitors of dengue and zika fever
Makhluf H, Kim K, Shresta S
Oct 7, 2016 EBioMedicine
Protective role of cross-reactive CD8 T cells against dengue virus infection
Elong Ngono A, Chen HW, Tang WW, Joo Y, King K, Weiskopf D, Sidney J, Sette A, Shresta S
Aug 17, 2016 Cell Stem Cell
Zika virus infects neural progenitors in the adult mouse brain and alters proliferation
Li H, Saucedo-Cuevas L, Regla-Nava JA, Chai G, Sheets N, Tang W, Terskikh AV, Shresta S, Gleeson JG
Aug 16, 2016 Trends Microbiol
Neuroterartogenic viruses and lessons for zika virus models
Kim K, Shresta S
May 16, 2016 Antiviral Res
Inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum glucosidases is required for in vitro and in vivo dengue antiviral activity by th eiminosugar UV-4
Warfield KL, Plummer EM, Sayce AC, Alonzi DS, Tang W, Tyrrell BE, Hill ML, Caputo AT, Killingbeck SS, Beatty PR, Harris E, Iwaki R, Kinami K, Ide D, Kiappes JL, Kato A, Buck MD, King K, Eddy W, Khaliq M, Sampath A, Treston AM, Dwek RA, Enterlein SG, Miller JL, Zitzmann N, Ramstedt U, Shresta S