Oct 1, 2011 Cancer Research
Immune adjuvant efficacy of CpG oligonucleotide in cancer treatment is founded specifically upon TLR9 function in plasmacytoid dendritic cells
Nierkens S, den Brok MH, Garcia Z, Togher S, Wagenaars J, Wassink M, Boon L, Ruers TJ, Figdor CG, Schoenberger SP, Adema GJ, Janssen EM
Oct 1, 2011 Blood
Mutational spectrum analysis of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia includes genes associated with epigenetic regulation: UTX, EZH2 and DNMT3A
Jankowska AM, Makishima H, Tiu RV, Szpurka H, Huang Y, Traina F, Visconte V, Sugimoto Y, Prince C, O'Keefe C, His ED, List A, Sekeres MA, Rao A, McDevitt MA, Maciejewski JP
Oct 1, 2011 Blood
TET2: an epigenetic safeguard for HSC
Ko M, Rao A
Oct 1, 2011 Blood
CD63 positions CD62P for rolling
Ley K
Oct 1, 2011 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Cooling the fires of inflammation
Kim G, Kronenberg M
Oct 1, 2011 Journal of Molecular Medicine-JMM
Fibrocyte-like cells recruited to the spleen support innate and adaptive immune responses to acute injury or infection
Kisseieva T, von Kockritz-Blickwede M, Reichart D, McGillvray SM, Wingender G, Kronenberg M, Glass CK, Nizet V, Brenner DA
Oct 1, 2011 Viral Immunology
Preferential replication of vaccinia virus in the ovaries is independent of immune regulation through IL-10 and TGF-β
Zhao Y, Adams YF, Croft M
Oct 1, 2011 Biomacromolecules
PEG-modified carbon nanatubes in biomedicine: current status and challenges ahead
Bottini M, Rosato N, Bottini N
Oct 1, 2011 Nature Immunology
A motif in the V3 domain of the kinase PKC-θ determines its localization in the immunological synapse and functions in T cells via association with CD28
Kong KF, Yokosuka T, Canonigo-Balancio AJ, Isakov N, Saito T, Altman A
Oct 1, 2011 Science Signaling
Itk controls the spatiotemporal organization of T cell activation
Singleton KL, Gosh M, Dandekar RD, Au-Yeung BB, Ksionda O, Tybulewicz VL, Altman A, Fowell DJ, Wülfing C
Sep 22, 2011 PLoS One
High refractive index silicone gels for simultaneous total internal reflection flourescence and traction force microscopy of adherent cells
Gutierrez E, Tkachenko E, Bresser A, Sundd P, Ley K, Danuser G, Ginsberg MH, Groisman A
Sep 20, 2011 PLoS One
Short stat5-interacting peptide derived from phospholipase C-β3 inhits hematopoietic cell proliferation and myeloid differentiation
Yasudo H, Ando T, Xiao W, Kawakami Y, Kawakami T